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How To Incorporate Sustainability Into Your Meals

Sustainable meals with in season fruit and vegetables

Mindful eating for your health and for the environment

Estimated reading time: 5 minutes


In the hustle and bustle of our daily lives, the act of eating is often rushed, mindless, and disconnected from the broader impact it has on both our well-being and the environment. 

Instead, try mindful eating – a practice that encourages us to savour each bite, be present in the moment, and now, more than ever, make choices that contribute to sustainability. 

In this blog post, we'll explore the relationship between mindful eating and sustainable meals, and how these choices not only benefit our health but also the health of the planet.

What Is Mindful Eating?

At its core, mindful eating involves paying full attention to the sensory experience of eating, acknowledging our thoughts and feelings, and making conscious choices about what and how we consume. The benefits of consuming in this way are broad from improved digestion, eating to your level of hunger and appreciating the food we eat. 

And you can take it a step further considering the impact the food we eat has on the environment.

The Link Between Mindful Eating and Sustainability

When we talk about environmental sustainability, we're referring to choices that minimise the negative impact on the environment, and support the long-term health of ecosystems. Mindful eating aligns with environmental sustainability by prompting us to consider where our food comes from and the footprint it leaves behind.

Sustainable meals involve conscious decisions that go beyond our plates. It's about understanding the life cycle of our food, from farm to fork, and making choices that reduce harm to the planet.


Mindful cooking sustainable meals

Tips for Mindful and Sustainable Eating

1. Choose Locally Sourced and Seasonal Produce

One of the easiest ways to embrace sustainable meals is opting for locally sourced and seasonal produce. By doing so, you support local farmers, reduce transportation emissions, and enjoy fruits and vegetables when they are at their peak freshness.


2. Reduce Meat Consumption

It's no secret that meat production has a significant environmental impact. Sustainable meals often involve minimising meat consumption and incorporating plant-based alternatives. By doing this, you decrease the demand for resource-intensive livestock farming, animal-feed land use, and reduce greenhouse gas emissions.


3. Minimise Food Waste

Food waste is a major contributor to environmental issues. When we waste food, we're not only wasting resources, but unless you compost, you are also contributing to landfill problems and increased greenhouse gas emissions. Embracing sustainable meals means being mindful of portion sizes, storing food properly to make it last for longer, and finding creative ways to use leftovers.


4. Opt for Sustainable Packaging

The journey toward sustainable meals extends beyond the food itself to the packaging it comes in. Choose products with eco-friendly packaging, or better yet, bring your reusable containers when food shopping and opt for a local refill shop rather than a large supermarket. Simply refusing food packaging can really help to reduce the amount of plastic in your own environment.  

The journey toward sustainable meals doesn't end at the supermarket. Be more mindful when cooking to appreciate the process. By slowing down and treating cooking like a hobby, you not only create a more mindful eating experience but also reduce the need for convenience foods that often come with excessive packaging.

When thinking about our meals more mindfully, each meal becomes a conscious choice, feeding a healthier body and environment. 


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