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Plastic-Free July: Eco-Friendly Skincare Swaps

It’s the penultimate week of Plastic-Free July but it’s not over just yet! It’s time to talk skincare.

When we first started out there weren’t many eco-friendly skincare products to choose from but the market has boomed, our collection has expanded and we’ve got all sorts of swaps to make going plastic-free easy.

Cutting plastic in your skincare regime won’t be compromising your values, as most skincare products are vegan and cruelty-free. With natural ingredients, they work wonders on your skin.

Why should you make your skincare regime plastic-free? Lets dive into our top skincare swaps…

1. Moisturiser

A quick google for moisturiser and hundreds of different brands will appear, almost all of them packaged in plastic. Unfortunately, most of the plastic is also unrecyclable, as it’s been dyed. Dyed for aesthetics, so that you’ll be more likely to buy it. When finished, you might as well pop it straight into landfill.

Many traditional moisturisers contain chemicals. Often their ingredients include mineral oils made from petroleum, or propylene glycol and fragrances which both act as irritants. Some even contain parabens. Parabens are used as a preservative, though the ingredient has been linked to cancer.

Most eco-friendly moisturisers are completely natural. The use of these ingredients can help to boost and revitalise your skin without the chemicals.

Make the switch to a sustainable moisturiser.

Funky Soap Shop Lemon & Cocoa Hand Cream

2. Makeup

Millions of people put on makeup everyday, with makeup having been around for centuries. Most of that makeup comes packaged in plastic. From mascara to foundation to lipstick, all of them come in a plastic container and many of those wrapped in an extra bit to throw away as soon as you get home.

It’s not just the plastic though. Our skin is our biggest organ and it absorbs the products we put on it. Some say over half the makeup we apply is absorbed into our bloodstream and are there are lots of nasty chemicals like parabens, paraffin and formaldehydes in traditional makeup brands.

There are now so many different options in reusable, plastic-free containers made from natural ingredients that look just as good.

Check out our collection of eco-friendly makeup.

3. Face wipes

Face wipes, makeup wipes, baby wipes. Whatever you call them, they’re one of the most commonly found items flushed down the loo. Wipes cause over 90% of all drain blockages. By flushing them down the toilet, they most frequently end up in the sea.

Face wipes are made from a non-biodegradable plastic also known as single-use plastic. Interestingly though, they’re not even good for your skin. Wipes can cause inflammation through the preservatives that stop them from drying out. They’re also poor at cleansing skin and actually tend to just move makeup around rather than remove it.

Switching to a natural facial cleanser and reusable cotton facial rounds could improve your skin and reduce your plastic impact dramatically.

4. Suncream

When looking to buy a new suncream its very important to look at the ingredients. Coral reefs are bleaching at a high rate due to the changing temperature of our oceans but it’s not just that. Many sun creams contain oxybenzone and octinoxate, both of which have been linked to coral bleaching. These chemicals induce bleaching, damage the DNA and impair growth. We can’t single-handedly stop climate change but we can wear the correct sun cream.

Eco friendly brands often use minerals such as zinc oxide. This sits on top of the skin and is safer for corals and marine life.

You can do your bit too. Take a look at our selection of plastic-free and reef-safe suncreams

Amazinc! Natural suncare range


Looking after your skin can be a full time job and now you can do it the eco-friendly way. By caring for the planet by choosing to refuse single-use plastic, and choosing products that are best for your health and the health of the environment, one purchase can make a big difference.

Take buying a reef-safe sun cream for example. By applying this sun cream you’ll be protecting the animals and plants you’re there to see.

There are so many different sustainable options to choose from for all different aspects of your skincare regime. You only have to look at the different makeup options to know how much of an impact you can make.

Take a look at our full collection of eco skincare options to start making changes today.

What has been your favourite switch so far? Let us know in the comments.

There’s only one more week left of plastic-free July... I hope you’ll be sticking to some of your new eco choices!!

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